Gucci Bloom 100 ml
Gucci Bloom 100 ml
Gucci Bloom
Gucci Bloom Eau de Parfum for women takes you into a beautiful, blossoming garden, where you can smell the most delicate flowers.
- a delicate, floral fragrance
- for the romantic woman
- particularly suitable for everyday wear
The composition of Bloom Eau de Parfum is purely floral. It combines accords of honeysuckle, tuberose and Arabian jasmine, making the fragrance refined, elegant and deeply feminine. The floral aroma is supported by iris root, which is known for its sensuality and gives the composition of the fragrance the desired depth and charm.
The story of the fragrance In 2015, the Italian designer Alessandro Michele became the creative director at Gucci. For him, flowers in all forms and shapes are literally an obsession, so in 2017 he launched his first fragrance, Bloom, which is a celebration of his lifelong fascination. The soft pink colour of petals even appears on the bottle itself, which is enclosed in a box with a rich floral print.